MORE from Katie's Modern Nest

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


It is such a joy watching our kids grow together, play together and simply enjoy each other.  Max dotes on his sister and always has a hug or a kiss (or a full-body slam) to share with her.  He is very aware of where Hana is at all times, and is even starting to tell me when "Hana hungry" or "Hana no want milk." 

When Max walks over to her, Hana's eyes light up and she often giggles or squeals. Even at this young age, they play Mr. Potato head together.  Max throws the potatoes and Hana eats the ears! 

Leif and I have always felt it is important for kids to have siblings.  I am so thankful that these kids will grow up with each other.  I am sure that there will be lots of fights, but there will also be lots of sweet times. 

The bonus is that they already play together and give us adults a few extra minutes to attend to adult things once in a while (you know, the fun stuff like doing the dishes).

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