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Monday, June 21, 2010

Quilting and True Blood?

I think this says something about how quilting has evolved:  Last night I sat hand-quilting my wonky stars while watching a vampire bite an ear off of a werewolf.  Quilting's not just for grannies any more. 

Kathryn commented on my last post that I'd need a lot of patience to get through hand quilting all of my stars...I think i just need more good TV.  I am thinking that a US of Tara marathon might help me get through most of this baby.  Multiples...what a brilliant idea for entertaining the masses!


  1. man o' man... true blood rocks!!! byt, noways could i not be staring at it!! haha... however... i'm always listening to a book on my ipod while i hand stitch! last night i finished the Hunger Games and 40 hexies ;)

  2. Ha! I was thinking the same thing last year when I was hand sewing down the binding while watching Dexter!
