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Saturday, January 19, 2013

Around the house

I got an awesome new camera for christmas (thanks Leif!) and have been trying out all of the manual functions.  It is great for pictures of the kids, and I've been snapping lots of those!  I think I am driving Leif and Max a little nuts with all of my pictures ;-)

Here are a few moments from our normal days:

Cost Co- a weekly destination for the whole family

One of our days off during the holidays we went to the San Diego Botanical gardens.  There is so much fun kid stuff to do at the gardens.  The kids can climb in the tree hours, dig in the dirt, and Max even got to go sledding on the snow they brought in for the holiday season.
Max is running around by the sledding area

Hana is "building a wall"
Max has a new favorite activity.  we'll be driving around town and Max will say  "Mama, lets go Starbucks!"  Our little kid LOVES his kids hot-chocolates.  I swear he even knows how to spell it.  The other day, i mentioned to leif that we should stop at s-t-a-r-b-u-c-k-s, and Max yelled "YEAH!!"

One thing about two-year olds is that they like routine.  In fact, Max wants the same breakfast every day.  "Papa, I want yogurt, 'nola and honey!"

Nice bed-head ;-)

Leif hung some new curtains in the dining room, and Max was quick to help with his new Christmas tools.

Hope you enjoyed this little peak into our days

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