Max and I enjoy cooking together. He grabs his stool and while I do all of the measuring, Max dumps stuff into the bowl and is in charge of stirring.
Hana really enjoys sorting, arranging and picking things up. She is a real help when it is time to clean up, she loves to put the legos or blocks back into the container. Every day she spends time in her kitchen putting dishes in the sink, and then pulling them out of the oven. It is a cycle that she'll repeat 20+ times. Cracks us up. Oh yeah, she totally claimed Max's Christmas tractor. She rides that thing all over the house.
We are surprised daily at what Max has learned. I was shocked when he told me that was a "two clock" we didn't know he could identify numbers already! The other day he pointed at the chalk board where Leif had written Max's name. "Mama, that's my name M-A-X." He identified his name and told me the spelling! I think this is unique to his name, don't think he can do this for any other words yet ;-)
Ahh, what will they do next?